Top 5 Email Design Trends Boosting DTC Brands in 2024

Issy Cocks
June 12, 2024

Issy Cocks - Graphic Designer

Having a great relationship with your customer is essential if you want your ecom store to be sustainable - maximising your customer relationship management (CRM) strategy is key. This is how you increase the lifetime value of your customers, and maintain a good returning customer rate. The best in class for doing that is still email, and for Shopify stores, using Klaviyo to do this. 

There is a lot that goes into building a good email for a DTC ecom brand. Good campaign planning, great copywriting and eye-catching design. 

I design emails all week every week for leading ecom brands in fashion, cosmetics and health supplements - here are my top 5 email design trends that are working for these brands right now.

1. Step-by-Step Guides and Visual Storytelling

Incorporating step-by-step guides and visual storytelling into email designs is an effective way to educate and engage customers. Hair Syrup is a great example of how this works. We break down complex information into easy-to-digest visual content, making it more accessible and enjoyable for Hair Syrup’s audience. Beauty brands often use tutorials to demonstrate how to use their products, while home improvement stores might showcase DIY projects. This approach not only provides value but also positions the brand as a helpful and trustworthy resource.

designer box email design

2. Clean Model Imagery

Clean, high-quality model imagery is a powerful tool in our emails. By using crisp, professional photos that highlight products in a realistic and relatable context, brands can create a visually appealing and aspirational message. This works because it allows customers to envision themselves using the products, enhancing their desire to make a purchase. Using minimalistic but impactful visuals to convey their brand ethos and product quality. The Designer Box offers high quality, luxury products the images need to reflect that.

headstrong mushroom email design

3. Including Brand Sustainability and Eco-friendly Packaging

Headstrong, a functional mushroom supplement brand has so many benefits that we can rave about. As consumers become increasingly environmentally conscious, highlighting sustainability initiatives and eco-friendly packaging in email communications has become crucial. Brands that showcase their commitment to the environment can build a stronger connection with their audience - we did just that with Headstrong and have built a great relationship with their subscribers, with Open Rates (OR) and CTR soaring. Emails that detail sustainable practices, such as using recyclable materials or supporting green causes, resonate well with customers who prioritise ethical consumption. This not only enhances brand image but also aligns with the values of a growing segment of eco-conscious shoppers.

4. Creative Typography

Creative typography is really catching on lately, especially as brands try to make a splash in crowded inboxes. Eye-catching and unique fonts are becoming the go-to for grabbing attention and showcasing brand personality.

This trend is all about playing around with different typefaces, sizes, and colours to create a distinct look. For instance, fashion brands might go for bold, stylish fonts to match their trendy designs, while tech companies might choose sleek, modern typography to highlight their innovative edge.

Using creative typography not only makes emails look more appealing but also strengthens the brand's message.

5. Customer Reviews

Featuring customer reviews in emails is a trend that leverages social proof to build trust and credibility. By sharing real feedback from satisfied customers, brands can reassure potential buyers of the quality and reliability of their products.

This is particularly effective because it directly answers the common questions, providing a sense of authenticity and community. Brands like Amazon and Sephora often include star ratings and testimonials in their email campaigns to encourage conversions and foster a sense of trust.

Stay Updated

By staying updated with these trends, brands can build stronger relationships with their customers, foster loyalty, and ultimately drive sales.

As we continue through 2024 and get our teeth into Q4, integrating these trends into your email designs will be key to achieving sustained success. 

Need help designing emails for your DTC ecom store? Unsure that you’re getting the most out of your email list?  If you want us to take a look at your CRM strategy, then click get in touch today. 

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and let's scale together.

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Top 5 Email Design Trends Boosting DTC Brands in 2024

Issy Cocks
June 12, 2024

Issy Cocks - Graphic Designer

Having a great relationship with your customer is essential if you want your ecom store to be sustainable - maximising your customer relationship management (CRM) strategy is key. This is how you increase the lifetime value of your customers, and maintain a good returning customer rate. The best in class for doing that is still email, and for Shopify stores, using Klaviyo to do this. 

There is a lot that goes into building a good email for a DTC ecom brand. Good campaign planning, great copywriting and eye-catching design. 

I design emails all week every week for leading ecom brands in fashion, cosmetics and health supplements - here are my top 5 email design trends that are working for these brands right now.

1. Step-by-Step Guides and Visual Storytelling

Incorporating step-by-step guides and visual storytelling into email designs is an effective way to educate and engage customers. Hair Syrup is a great example of how this works. We break down complex information into easy-to-digest visual content, making it more accessible and enjoyable for Hair Syrup’s audience. Beauty brands often use tutorials to demonstrate how to use their products, while home improvement stores might showcase DIY projects. This approach not only provides value but also positions the brand as a helpful and trustworthy resource.

designer box email design

2. Clean Model Imagery

Clean, high-quality model imagery is a powerful tool in our emails. By using crisp, professional photos that highlight products in a realistic and relatable context, brands can create a visually appealing and aspirational message. This works because it allows customers to envision themselves using the products, enhancing their desire to make a purchase. Using minimalistic but impactful visuals to convey their brand ethos and product quality. The Designer Box offers high quality, luxury products the images need to reflect that.

headstrong mushroom email design

3. Including Brand Sustainability and Eco-friendly Packaging

Headstrong, a functional mushroom supplement brand has so many benefits that we can rave about. As consumers become increasingly environmentally conscious, highlighting sustainability initiatives and eco-friendly packaging in email communications has become crucial. Brands that showcase their commitment to the environment can build a stronger connection with their audience - we did just that with Headstrong and have built a great relationship with their subscribers, with Open Rates (OR) and CTR soaring. Emails that detail sustainable practices, such as using recyclable materials or supporting green causes, resonate well with customers who prioritise ethical consumption. This not only enhances brand image but also aligns with the values of a growing segment of eco-conscious shoppers.

4. Creative Typography

Creative typography is really catching on lately, especially as brands try to make a splash in crowded inboxes. Eye-catching and unique fonts are becoming the go-to for grabbing attention and showcasing brand personality.

This trend is all about playing around with different typefaces, sizes, and colours to create a distinct look. For instance, fashion brands might go for bold, stylish fonts to match their trendy designs, while tech companies might choose sleek, modern typography to highlight their innovative edge.

Using creative typography not only makes emails look more appealing but also strengthens the brand's message.

5. Customer Reviews

Featuring customer reviews in emails is a trend that leverages social proof to build trust and credibility. By sharing real feedback from satisfied customers, brands can reassure potential buyers of the quality and reliability of their products.

This is particularly effective because it directly answers the common questions, providing a sense of authenticity and community. Brands like Amazon and Sephora often include star ratings and testimonials in their email campaigns to encourage conversions and foster a sense of trust.

Stay Updated

By staying updated with these trends, brands can build stronger relationships with their customers, foster loyalty, and ultimately drive sales.

As we continue through 2024 and get our teeth into Q4, integrating these trends into your email designs will be key to achieving sustained success. 

Need help designing emails for your DTC ecom store? Unsure that you’re getting the most out of your email list?  If you want us to take a look at your CRM strategy, then click get in touch today. 

Become a partner
today and let's
scale together.

Book in your Free Discovery Call today, and find out how we can maximise your ad potential.